OREANDA-NEWS  In 2023, the average salaries of teachers, teachers and researchers in Russia increased by up to 13 percent. The salary increase was assessed in the Cabinet of Ministers in response to written questions from State Duma deputies, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the government, in the first half of 2023, the average monthly salary of teachers increased by 13 percent. The income of researchers has increased by 9 percent year-on-year. At the same time, since 2013, these figures have increased 2.8 and 3.2 times, respectively. Salaries of teachers changed from 40,428 to 111,421 rubles, and salaries of researchers — from 41,623 to 134,391 rubles.

As the Superjob survey showed, a decent salary for a school teacher in Russia is 95 thousand rubles. So 1.6 thousand working Russians over the age of 18 answered the corresponding question in all districts of the country. At the same time, this amount turned out to be 10 thousand rubles higher for men than for women, as well as for those over 35 years old.

At the end of 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to develop systematic approaches to solve the problem of teacher remuneration. According to the head of state, it is necessary to improve and make fair the mechanisms of remuneration for teachers. First of all, teachers' incomes should be significantly increased in those regions of the country where they are significantly lower than the national average.