OREANDA-NEWS  The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia has secured the confiscation in favor of the state of the property of the former owner of the YUKOS oil company Mikhail Khodorkovsky (recognized in the Russian Federation as a foreign agent) and the ex-head of the MENATEP group Platon Lebedev worth almost 10 billion rubles. Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov told Interfax about this.

According to him, according to the claims of the supervisory authority, the court turned the assets of convicted businessmen to pay the debt to the treasury. We are talking about the houses of Khodorkovsky, Lebedev, Leonid Nevzlin (listed in the register of individuals acting as a foreign agent) in the elite cottage village "Yablonevy Sad" in Odintsovo near Moscow, as well as the company's reception house.

The property was seized by the verdict of the Petty-Bourgeois Court of 2005, according to which Khodorkovsky and Lebedev were sentenced to nine years in prison for non-payment of taxes.

The Moscow Meshchansky Court has scheduled for June 13 the consideration of the second claim of the Prosecutor General's Office against the ex-owners of Yukos for the seizure of 1.4 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has re-declared Khodorkovsky wanted under Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code of Russia ("Public dissemination of deliberately false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"). The reason was comments on the network about payments to the families of participants in the special operation.