OREANDA-NEWSThe most popular foreign security can only conditionally be called foreign - these are ordinary shares of Yandex, in which up to 2% of their money is invested and which are in the top 25 investments of clients of all brokers.

Among the largest investments there were few real foreign issuers, and only two out of four brokers had a share of shares of one or another company exceed 1% of the portfolio: these are Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Mastercard. Other companies, such as Visa, Global Payments, PayPal, gain less than a percentage of investments. The top 25 assets also include FinEx MSCI, a foreign exchange investment fund in the US IT sector from the Russian company Finex Funds. The agency refused a forecast of investments in foreign startups.

The volatility of Russian blue chips can significantly exceed the volatility of foreign stocks, and consider the latter more risky incorrectly, said Aisha Kubezova, head of the BCS Premier methodology department.