OREANDA-NEWS  By the end of October, the total spending of Russians on used cars increased by 33.7 percent year-on-year and reached the level of 518 billion rubles. This is reported by TASS with reference to the results of a joint study by analysts of Otkritie Avto and the agency Autostat.

However, in comparison with the September value, the October indicator, on the contrary, decreased by 2.4 percent. In general, according to the results of the first ten months of 2023, Russians' spending on used cars amounted to 4.84 trillion rubles, experts said.

The largest share in the structure of sales of the secondary car market was occupied by cars aged ten years and older. In October, Russians spent a total of 200.5 billion rubles on cars of this category, or 38.7 percent of all costs for "beushny" cars. In comparison with September, the indicator has hardly changed — in the first month of autumn, the share of "old" cars was estimated at 38.6 percent.

The cost of Russians for more "fresh" cars (up to five years) they amounted to 161 billion rubles (plus 0.3 percent in monthly terms). The least amount of money was spent on cars aged five to nine years — 156.5 billion rubles. The share of such cars in the cost structure decreased by 0.5 percent over the month — from 30.7 to 30.2 percent, analysts concluded.

Earlier, experts of the agency "Autostat" reported a sharp increase in prices for used cars in Russia. By November 2023, the cost of such machines in the domestic market increased by 26 percent year-on-year and reached 1.583 million rubles. Over the past month, "beushnye" passenger cars in the country have risen in price by an average of four percent, or 65 thousand rubles. The annual increase, in turn, according to analysts, amounted to 325 thousand rubles.