OREANDA-NEWS  The cost of housing in Russia in the second half of 2024 was proposed to increase by 12 percent. The relevant draft order on changing the standard cost of one square meter of the total area was prepared by the Ministry of Construction, RIA Novosti reports.

The agency plans to set the indicator at the level of 109 thousand rubles. In addition, the order must approve the average market value per square meter of housing in the regions of Russia for the third quarter of 2024.

The highest values are offered for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (233.8 thousand rubles, plus 50 percent compared to the second quarter of the year), the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (almost 177 thousand rubles, plus 38 percent), Moscow (171.7 thousand rubles, minus three percent).

The lowest figures were determined for Ingushetia (55.1 thousand rubles, plus 10 percent), Kabardino-Balkaria (61.6 thousand rubles, plus 33 percent), Kalmykia (71.6 thousand rubles, plus nine percent).

The standards of the cost per square meter are needed to calculate social benefits for state programs and housing purchases for resettlement from the emergency fund. Last time, the Ministry of Construction increased the figure by four percent, to 97.5 thousand rubles.