OREANDA-NEWS The profit of Russian banks is growing again, showing the corresponding dynamics even in comparison with the figures of the record for the industry last year, follows from the presentation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation published on the regulator's website. In January-April, the figure amounted to 1.203 trillion rubles, surpassing the 1.105 trillion shown for the same period in 2023.

In April, credit institutions of the Russian Federation increased their net profit to 305 billion rubles, which is 13 percent more than the 270 billion recorded in March and more than a third higher than the profit for April in 2023 of 224 billion rubles.

At the same time, the materials note that the number of profitable banks decreased to 249 last month from 255 in March, and their share of the total number of banks decreased by two percentage points to 78 percent.

Earlier it became known that the profit of Russian banks reached a record 3.3 trillion rubles in 2023. They managed to achieve this result due to the restoration of basic income, a significant reduction in spending on reserves and significant income from currency revaluation.

As Anatoly Artamonov, head of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets, noted against this background, the volume of banks' profits almost coincided with the budget expenditures of the Russian Federation on education and healthcare.