OREANDA-NEWS  Three children with their mother returned to Russia in Bashkiria from Ukraine with the assistance of the office of the Children's Ombudsman, Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation at the SPIEF, told RIA Novosti in an interview.

"Now, while we are talking, we have another mother with three children returning to the territory of the Russian Federation (from Ukraine - ed.), but this is a humanitarian issue. My colleagues, the commissioners, are working there, I am very grateful to them for this, because issues related to education are being worked out," Lvova-Belova said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

She noted that the children had different educational programs, so they need help in order to integrate into the educational process. "We need to support and help them, so the commissioners are working on the humanitarian issue, as well as medical aspects," the children's Ombudsman added.

The press service of Lvova-Belova informed the agency that on May 23, the office of the Children's Ombudsman received an appeal from a citizen of the Russian Federation, who asked to help her family quickly leave Ukraine and return to their homeland.

"A woman alone brings up three minor children. All are citizens of the Russian Federation. In 2021, the mother brought the children to Ukraine to visit her grandmother, but due to the restrictions imposed due to COVID, and then with the beginning of her family, the family was unable to return to Russia," the press service noted.