OREANDA-NEWS  Copenhagen will allow Ukraine to use F-16 fighter jets for strikes against Russia, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lecke Rasmussen has said.

"This is not a new position, it was implied in the transfer. We discussed this with the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Danish Parliament. We initially clarified that possible attacks on military installations on the territory of the aggressor are part of self-defense," he said ahead of a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers.

The Netherlands and Denmark were the first to agree to provide Ukraine with F-16s. The White House has confirmed that Kiev will receive combat aircraft from third countries after pilot training. Dutch Defense Minister Kaisa Ollongren has said that the Hague expects to send the first F-16 jets to the Ukrainian Armed Forces this year. Belgium's Foreign Minister Haja Labib has noted that Brussels plans to transfer 30 of these aircraft to Kiev by 2028, with the first fighters arriving in 2024.