OREANDA-NEWS  Poland's refusal to restrict Kiev in the use of transferred weapons is dangerous for itself, according to Alexei Chepa, first Deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. In a conversation with Lenta he warned of possible consequences for Warsaw.

"Poland puts itself in danger with such statements, and this is understandable. Before making such statements, you need to think carefully. Unfortunately, many people do not do this," the deputy said.

Polish Deputy Defense Minister Cesary Tomczyk said that the country's leadership allowed Ukraine to use the supplied weapons for strikes on Russian territory and does not place restrictions on their use. He added that Warsaw is preparing a new package of assistance to Kiev.

The representative of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin has already familiarized itself with the position of the Polish military department. "We saw the statement, but, in fact, it was quite obvious before this statement, there were no secrets in this regard," said the press secretary of the head of state.

Putin himself has already noted on May 28 that Moscow is closely following the discussion of Western countries about whether Kiev should be allowed to attack military facilities on Russian territory with shells and weapons transferred to NATO. "They [Western countries] should remember that these [European members of the alliance] are, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with a very dense population. They should keep this factor in mind before striking deep into Russian territory," he stressed.