OREANDA-NEWS  In the Teriberka area of the Murmansk region, tourists found a red book humpback whale entangled in nets. This was announced by the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova in her Telegram channel.

According to her, the mammal survived and is able to move, but because of the remnants of the net, it cannot open its mouth completely. Rodionova noted that rescuers dealing with whales were called from Sakhalin.

"Upon arrival, the specialists will immediately begin to release the marine mammal. We are monitoring the situation," the head of the supervisory service added.

Earlier it became known that on the coast of eastern Chukotka, sea st John's wort opened the whaling season — they managed to harpoon an animal with a length of more than 13 meters. Members of the Sireniki territorial neighborhood community participated in the whale hunt, who went to sea on three fishing boats.