OREANDA-NEWS  Most large Russian companies have partners in the BRICS countries, follows from the results of a study on the interaction of Russian business with the BRICS countries, which were presented at the SPIEF.

According to the data presented, the majority of Russian companies (61%) have partners in the BRICS countries. At the same time, among large companies with more than three thousand employees, there is an absolute majority (80%).

Every second company (52%) reported that they export to the BRICS countries, the same number (57%) they told me that they import from these countries. To a large extent, large companies are engaged in imports from the BRICS countries - 70%.

In addition, Russian business partners in the BRICS countries are primarily industrial and automotive companies (63%), representatives of agribusiness, manufacturers of consumer goods and the biomedical industry (53%). There are also partners from the technology sector (26%), transport (16%), media and communications (11%).

Russian companies make settlements with partners from the BRICS countries more in the currency of the BRICS country with which they cooperate (63%). The ability to make payments in dollars and euros is more often used by large companies, 50% and 63%, respectively. Companies with fewer than 3,000 employees are more likely to use the currency of the BRICS country they cooperate with for payments (91%).