OREANDA-NEWS  Russian President Vladimir Putin has supported the idea of limiting the nationalization of companies and enterprises in the country at the legislative level. 

The Head of state believes that the scale of nationalization in Russia should be "sound", it is important not to overdo it in this matter. "There must be some sensible restrictive lines here," the president explained.

He added that the issues of limiting the nationalization of enterprises are being discussed by the authorities with Russian businessmen. Decisions on this topic should not be made at the level of a presidential decree or government decree, Putin noted. "In general, I am in favor of making an appropriate decision at the level of the law," he concluded.Since 2023, cases of seizure of assets of large enterprises and companies in favor of the state have become more frequent in Russia. In particular, the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant (CHEMK), Kuban-Vino and macaroni manufacturer Makfa came under inspection. At the same time, such a transfer of ownership is often accompanied by the recovery of large sums from ex-owners. For example, the court ordered the former heads of CHEMK to pay 105 billion rubles.

The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Krasnov, explained the frequent cases of transfer of assets of large enterprises to state ownership by "facts of lawlessness" on the part of the owners of such organizations and their "direct damage to the security of the country and national interests." At the same time, he said that currently the Russian authorities are not going to review the results of the privatization of the 1990s.