OREANDA-NEWS  Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about ten structural changes in the Russian economy that the authorities are now striving for. 

The first is a change in the structure of Russia's exports and imports. According to the president, the share of imports in the Russian economy should decrease to 17 percent of GDP. And the volume of non-primary, non-energy exports from Russia should grow by at least two thirds.

The second change is the achievement of a new quality and content of economic growth in Russia, the third is the new quality of the labor market. The fourth change is associated with an increase in the efficiency of the economy and an increase in labor productivity in conditions of a shortage of personnel. The fifth is the "digital platform revolution", which means that by 2030 at least 80 percent of Russian organizations in key sectors of the economy should switch to domestic software.

The sixth structural change is to saturate the economy with modern technologies. The seventh implies strengthening the role of small and medium-sized businesses. The eighth is the development of the potential of the country's regions. The ninth shift involves reducing poverty and reducing inequality. And the tenth is to improve the quality of life of families and support the birth rate.