OREANDA-NEWS  Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree "On a special procedure for compensation for damage caused to the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in connection with the unfriendly actions of the United States."

Decree No. 442 of May 23 was published on the official portal of legal information.

The document provides for the possibility of compensation for damages through the court at the expense of the property of the United States/American persons in Russia, including securities, shares in the capital of legal entities of the Russian Federation and property rights.

The decree instructs the government to take measures to establish a special procedure for compensation for damage caused to the Russian Federation or the Bank of Russia "in connection with decisions of state and (or) judicial authorities of the United States of America, which is applied in case of unjustified deprivation of Russian copyright holders of property rights."

The Russian copyright holder has the right to apply to the court in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction established by the procedural legislation of the Russian Federation, with an application to establish the fact of unjustified deprivation of his rights to property. The application must also contain an assessment of the damage.

If the application is accepted for consideration (and if there is "information that allows us to make a reasonable assumption that there are no sufficient grounds for depriving the Russian copyright holder of property rights"), the court requests from the Legal Commission for the Control of foreign investment a list of property of the United States and persons associated with this country that can be used to compensate for damage.

The Commission, in turn, "organizes the identification of property that, taking into account the principle of proportionality, can be used to compensate for damage," and submits the list to the court. It may include movable and immovable property of the USA/American persons located on the territory of the Russian Federation; securities belonging to them, shares in the authorized capitals of Russian legal entities; property rights belonging to the USA/American persons.

Having considered the application, the court decides to establish the fact of unjustified deprivation of the Russian copyright holder of property rights and compensation for damage, or refuses to satisfy this application.

The decision to establish the fact of unjustified deprivation of the Russian rightholder's rights to property and compensation for damage provides for "termination of rights to property of the United States or a U.S. person included in the list" and subsequent transfer of these rights to the Russian rightholder in order to compensate for damage.

The Government has been given the right to determine the federal executive authority authorized to apply to the court (except in cases of damage to the Bank of Russia).

The Government has been instructed to ensure that amendments to the legislation aimed at implementing the decree are made within 4 months.