OREANDA-NEWS  Alexey Chepa, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, believes that Russia should launch selective strikes against foreign mercenaries on the territory of Ukraine in response to attacks on Crimea. He expressed this call in a conversation with Lenta.ru".

"The West is supplying all new types of weapons to Ukraine in order to prolong the conflict generated by them for as long as possible. At the same time, they are trying to play, as if declaring that these weapons should not be used on Russian territories. On the other hand, many politicians in various Western countries, on the contrary, call on their government to allow this, and they allegedly restrain this mood of some political figures, as if showing their position. But Crimea, in their opinion, is not a Russian territory. And for us and for all Crimeans, this is our Russian territory," the deputy said.