OREANDA-NEWS  Cooperation between China and Ukraine plays into Russia's hands, said Andrei Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs. In a conversation with Lenta.<url> " he saw the advantages of the development of relations between the two states."

"China is a sovereign state, Ukraine still has a seat in the UN. Sovereign states have the right to enter into relations with each other as they see fit," he said.

According to him, if necessary, it will be easier for Russia to communicate with Ukraine through China than through the United States as an intermediary.

According to Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Sun Weidong, Beijing is ready to develop relations with Kiev and cooperate with it in all spheres. Consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries took place in the Chinese capital, Ukraine was represented by First Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga.

Sun Wendun claims that the countries' bilateral relations continue to develop. His Ukrainian counterpart stressed that Kiev "values traditional friendship." Following the meeting, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the sides exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis, as well as international and regional issues.