OREANDA-NEWS  Russian aviation and artillery destroyed the radar station of the German IRIS-T air defense system and the launcher of the S-125 complex, struck at the meeting place of the commanders of two assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to a summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

"The radar station of the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system manufactured by Germany, as well as the launcher of the S-125 anti-aircraft missile system, was destroyed by operational and tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery groups of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation," the Russian military department said in a summary.

In addition, the venue of the meeting of the command staff of the 92nd and 95th assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the enemy in 138 districts was "hit," the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation added.