OREANDA-NEWS  In Krasnoyarsk, three local residents are suspected of illegally helping more than 500 migrants to obtain legal status. This information was reported by TASS.

Investigators have opened a criminal case against the three individuals under Article 322.1 of the Criminal Code of Russia, which deals with organization of illegal migration. If convicted, they could face up to seven years in prison.

According to the investigators, in 2023, the three Russians began issuing certificates of proficiency in Russian language, history, and the basics of Russian law to foreigners. These certificates were then submitted to the migration authorities at the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for registration of residence permits in the region. However, law enforcement officials found that most of the people receiving these certificates did not possess the necessary knowledge required for the certificates.Earlier in St. Petersburg, police identified a channel for illegal migration, through which more than seven thousand foreigners were legalized using the "Public Services" portal.