OREANDA-NEWS  Russians' spending on preparing for the summer has increased this year by 17 percent compared to last year's data, according to calculations by VTB and the First OFD.

The researchers analyzed the expenses of customers using bank cards to visit beauty salons, cosmetologists' offices, sports clubs and shops. Their total volume amounted to 12 billion rubles in the spring of 2024, it follows from the materials.

In particular, the expenses of Russians for nursing, aesthetic and cosmetological procedures increased by 20 percent this spring, to 7.4 billion rubles.

Earlier it became known that the key items of expenditure for Russians by the end of 2023 were spending on food, clothing, shoes, as well as on transport and housing. At the same time, the main way for Russians to track their own income and expenses is to use banking applications. Almost half of the respondents use them.