OREANDA-NEWS  Tax increases could potentially affect more than 90 percent of housing exposures after the introduction of a progressive scale in Russia. This was told to RIA Novosti in the real estate company "Floors".

"93 percent of the apartments currently sold on the primary and secondary market in Russia have a price of more than 2.4 million rubles. In Moscow and the Moscow region, the share of such apartments is even close to 100 percent," said Alexander Ivanov, a leading analyst at the firm. Metrium calculated that only one lot on the primary market in the Moscow region is sold for less than 2.4 million rubles. The situation is similar with the "secondary", says Ruslan Syrtsov, managing director of the company.

In addition to the capital, changes in taxation will affect real estate in St. Petersburg and Sochi. At the same time, according to Ivanov, in fact, most of the sold housing is not taxed by the terms of ownership. Therefore, the innovation is rather important for investors interested in urgent sales. Experts clarify that there is no legitimate way to avoid progressive taxation except for preferential categories.