OREANDA-NEWS The situation with measles in Russia has improved, with a gradual decrease in cases. However, due to the current epidemiological situation in other countries, the risk of importing and spreading the infection in Russia remains. The press service of Rospotrebnadzor has informed RIA Novosti about this.

Earlier, RBC reported that Russia was ranked third in Europe for the number of measles cases from April 2023 to March 2024, citing data from the World Health Organization.

"Thanks to the measures taken, the epidemic situation has stabilized and the number of cases has decreased. More than 90% of outbreaks have not spread further," the message stated.However, in many countries around the world, the measles epidemic continues to pose a threat, and therefore, the risk of importing and spreading the infection to Russia remains, the press service noted.

In 2023, the situation concerning the incidence of measles in Russia was further complicated by the presence of a group of people who were not immune to the disease, and therefore immunization campaigns were carried out in various regions, the department explained.

Currently, however, the measles situation in Russia is under control, according to Rospotrebnadzor.