OREANDA-NEWS  The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is discussing with other federal authorities the creation of a unified platform to counter various types of fraud using information technologies, Deputy Head of the Ministry Alexander Shoitov said.

He noted that certain successes have been achieved in the fight against fraud – for example, with the spread of calls from fake numbers, spam calls, "gray" SIM cards, etc.

However, new types of fraud are emerging – for example, deepfakes; and a lot of work remains to be done to combat various types of threats, Shoitov noted.

"And we are now actively discussing with the federal authorities the need to create such a single platform - a single resource for countering fraud. Certain information will be transmitted there from the Anti-fraud, Anti-Phishing systems, from telecom operators, from banks," Shoitov said at a session of Tinkoff Bank within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

According to him, the discussion is still in the initial stage, and it is necessary to design the appearance of the platform correctly.

It is assumed that information about all fraud facts will be collected on it, and the platform participants will exchange it among themselves. There is also an idea to integrate a single CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team, Computer Incident response Team) on the platform, which will promptly counteract various types of fraud.

"We have a fairly good effective work (to combat fraud - IF), it's just that we are not actually opposing individual scammers, but these are already groups. And it is necessary to conduct systematic work. And everyone says that we need unified, even greater coordination, consolidation of joint efforts. Banks, telecom operators, law enforcement agencies and the Central Bank should be involved here," the Deputy Minister concluded.