OREANDA-NEWS  Global warming will make forest fires more widespread and frequent in Russia and around the world. The deterioration of the situation was predicted by Grigory Kuksin, an expert at the Center for the Prevention of Landscape Fires, in an interview with the Moscow Speaks radio station.

According to the expert, in recent years, each new season is on average worse than the last one in terms of fires. This is happening against the background of extremely high air temperatures, droughts, water shortages and strong winds, the expert explained.

"All the fire services in the world are preparing for a more difficult situation in the future. A lot depends on the response. We, as a society, all together, the state, business, and public organizations, are racing against climate change, and there are positive changes now, too," concluded Kuksin.

Earlier, the specialist called for increased funding for fighting forest fires in Russia. According to Kuksin, forest fires in the context of climate change will become more difficult every year, so "it would be better to increase resources ahead of time."