OREANDA-NEWS. Since last year OJSC “Surgutneftegas” has been implementing the large-scale programme for upgrading its metering stock. To meet the requirements of the State Standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 8.615-2005 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quantity measurements of produced oil and associated gas. General metrological and technical requirements.”, – the Company developed engineering solutions for certified meter stations which provide the following limits of basic relative error tolerances: ± 2,5% for crude oil weight, up to 70% ± 6%, 95% ± 15%, 98% ± 30% for wet oil weight, ± 5% for associated gas volume, reported the press-centre of  OJSC “Surgutneftegas”.

For subsurface use regulations and license agreements to be duly observed, OJSC “Surgutneftegas” accomplished complete metering of its operating well stock production rates as well as water volumes injected to maintain reservoir pressure. Thus, 100% of the Company’s producing oil/injection well stock is equipped with meter stations. Over 6,000 electric-centrifugal pumps are operated remotely with the latest control stations. Nowadays, the production rate of 99,86% of Surgutneftegas operating well stock is telemetered. To gauge oil well production rate at its fields, the Company operates 3,372 on-site automatic group meter stations with 99% of them being remotely-controlled.  In compliance with the national standard dated March 1, 2006, Surgutneftegas plans to retrofit and upgrade meter stations throughout its producing well stock. Today, the Company installs the individual metering units to measure well production rate. To find the most efficient metering equipment, the Company tests mass liquid and gas meters and crude oil cut meters.