OREANDA-NEWS. April 20, 2007. The Russian-British company TNK-BP is going to start pilot industrial development of the Suzunskoe field, one of the fields in the Bolshkhetskoe basin in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, said Sergey Brezitsky, Executive Vice President, Upstream, TNK-BP, on Tuesday to journalists.

According to him, we will be able to speak about production growth in this field in 2010–2011. “The production volume will be specified only after interpretation of the obtained exploration results,” noted he.

Mr. Brezitsky added that in 2009 the company will start pilot industrial development of two other fields in the Bolshekhetskoe basin – Tagulskoe and Russko-Rechenskoe fields.

Answering a question whether the company will develop these fields together with Rosneft, which holds licenses for development of several other fields in this region, Mr. Brezitsky noted that TNK-BP is discussing this with Rosneft.

The Executive Vice President of TNK-BP said also that the company started drilling an exploration well in the Russkoe field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area and two horizontal production wells for determining the content of gas and oil in the reservoirs of this field.

Mr. Brezitsky specified that the company will produce 30,000–60,000 tons of oil in the Verkhnechonsk field of the Irkutsk Region in 2007 and start oil supplies to the East Siberia–Pacific Ocean oil pipeline in 2008. According to him, up to 1 million tons of oil will be produced in the Verkhnechonsk field by 2009.