OREANDA-NEWS. September 21, 2009. "HR services show their cards". It is the name of a new project of Segodnya newspaper initiated by SCM.

Within the framework of the project beginning on 14 September, every two weeks HR specialists of the country's leading companies will tell Segodnya's readers where and how they headhunt and what sort of expertise is required to be hired by their company.

Natalia Yemchenko, Director of Public Relations and Communications at SCM, told us how they came up with the idea to implement the project: "As the country's biggest employer, SCM is interested in talented people and real professionals. We understand that search for talented people is a two-way traffic, where we have to move towards each other. Today business is ready to make another step and draw a kind of a road map for potential employees, help them find an ideal employer and get a dream job."

"Within the framework of the project major Ukrainian employers would openly speak about the shortest way to their companies. So the job seekers could look at themselves through the eyes of a potential employer. This would help them strengthen their advantages and address weaknesses. And that means that labour market would have more professionals, business would solve the problem of lack of quality specialists, and people would find good jobs", added Ms Yemchenko.

The first publication on the project "HR services show their cards" is available in Segodnya newspaper of 14 September 2009 or see the online version of the edition on the information and news portal www.segodnya.ua.