OREANDA-NEWS. November 03, 2010. Supervisory audit of management system (MS) of CJSC “Group of Companies “Titan” has begun. Management system, developed and employed in accordance with requirements of international standards, has been successfully functioning on the enterprises of the “Group of Companies “Titan”, CJSC, since 2006. Last year recertification audit was held on the enterprises of the “Group of Companies “Titan”, CJSC, and it confirmed compliance of the management system with requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001 in line with claimed area of certification. Now it is time for the first supervisory audit, reported the press-centre of Titan.

During the introductory meeting Timofey Korotky, the leading auditor of “Bureau Veritas Certification”*, explained the plan of the forthcoming work, expressing hope for mutual understanding and openness of the company employees. Compliance with the requirements of international standards will be detected by way of traditional methods: interview with the employees of the enterprises, examination of presented documentation, results of performed activities, direct observation of the employees’ work.

The day before Coordinating council was held, during which results of inner audits were analyzed and assessment was given to preparedness of departments to independent audit of management system. Valeriy Frolov, Deputy Director General on Strategic Development and Human Resource Management of CJSC “Group of Companies “Titan”, is confident in high quality of the company’s management system. “Our serenity is based on the fact that we have knowledge and experience. We always thoroughly prepare to the audit, we understand power and efficiency of management system which is aimed at supporting company in controllable state in any situation” – he noted. Results of the audit were pronounced on Friday during the final meeting.

*”Bureau Veritas Certification” is an independent organization among the leading international certifying organs. Since 2006 and during three years from the moment of certification the organization specialists have been making constant observation of the “Group of Companies “Titan”, CJSC, enterprises of all requirements established by the management system.