OREANDA-NEWS.  February 19, 2014. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) terminated proceedings against the Federal Transport Inspection Service (Rostransnadzor) due to voluntary elimination of violations of the antimonopoly law.

The case against Rostransnadzor was initiated upon signs of violating Part 1 Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”.

Rostransnadzor set non-statutory requirements to the economic entities interested in concluding agreements on cooperation and information exchange with regional Offices of Rostransnadzor, to provide services, particularly, on transferring monitored information to the Automated Control and Supervision Centre of Rostransnadzor.

In particular, Rostransnadzor set requirements on the status of regional operator of informational-navigation services and proposals from the top executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation to the regional Office of Rostransnadzor on concluding agreements with the regional operator of informational-navigation services.

Such actions of Rostransnadzor resulted in its regional Offices refusing to conclude agreements with the interested economic entities.

At a session of FAS Commission, Rostransnadzor submitted a letter which instructed its regional Offices “not to administer” the letters sent by Rostransnadzor esralier. FAS Commission considered the documents submitted by Rostransnadzor sufficient to terminate the antimonopoly case due to voluntary elimination of the violations of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”. FAS did not issue a determination to Rostransnadzor.

“FAS and its regional Offices repeatedly made decisions on violations of the antimonopoly law by the authorities, and issued determinations to stop the violations. However, FAS continue receiving complaints on similar actions of the regional Offices of Rostransnadzor. It is necessary to sum up the practice of such violations across the entire Russian Federation and take measures to prevent them”, said Deputy Head of FAS Alexei Dotsenko.