OREANDA-NEWS. Tata Power Delhi Distribution has been conferred with an award for securing third position for adopting Effective Cost Management tools and techniques by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India under the category Private-Service Sector (Large Organization) at the 11th National Award for Excellence in Cost Management today in New Delhi.

Shri Jayant Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State for Finance, Government of India, Chief Guest at the award function, presenting the award to Ajay Kapoor, CFO and Chief Legal & Regulatory, Debashis Roy, GM Finance and Bharat Kumar Bhadawat, Additional GM Finance Tata Power Delhi Distribution

The much deserved award was handed over to Mr. Ajay Kapoor, CFO and Chief Legal & Regulatory Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. by the Chief Guest Shri Jayant Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State for Finance, Government of India in the august presence of eminent personalities from across the sector. Tata Power Delhi Distribution was selected for the award based on the recommendation of a Jury Headed by former Supreme Court Justice, Dr. Arijit Pasayat.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ajay Kapoor, CFO and Chief Legal & Regulatory Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. said, "We are honored to receive this prestigious award, in tough economic conditions, managing costs is the prime agenda for every company. Through our effective cost management tools and techniques we have succeeded in reducing cost which contributed towards better fiscal prudence. This award from the Institute of Cost Accountants of India will help boost the morale of the team, motivate us and continue to excel in the future."