OREANDA-NEWS  In Russia, in April 2024, natural gas production amounted to 55 billion cubic meters, which is 3% more than in April 2023 (53.3 billion cubic meters).

The figure familiar to the industry consists of data published by Rosstat on the production of combustible natural gas ("natural gas") - 46 billion cubic meters - and associated petroleum gas ("natural combustible gas of oil fields") - 9 billion cubic meters.

The temperature background affecting gas consumption in the energy sector did not support consumption in the reporting month. According to the "System Operator of the UES of Russia", in April 2024, the air temperature in the country was two degrees Celsius above the climatic norm and 2.5 degrees higher than last year. Nevertheless, the production of thermal power plants in April 2024 was stable (100% compared to last year's level). Gazprom's supplies to China and Uzbekistan grew in foreign markets.

Total gas production for 4 months of 2024, according to Rosstat, amounted to 246.2 billion cubic meters, which almost repeats the figure announced a week ago by President Vladimir Putin - 246.4 billion cubic meters.

According to the medium-term macro forecast, gas production in Russia in 2024 is expected to reach 666.7 billion cubic meters. At the same time, according to the results of the first four months, it exceeded the forecast track by more than 8 billion cubic meters.

In 2021, Russia produced 763 billion cubic meters of gas, in 2022 - 676 billion cubic meters, in 2023 - 638 billion cubic meters.

Gas production in the country decreased significantly in 2022 and 2023 due to a reduction in flows in the western direction. On the other hand, domestic consumption is growing, as well as supplies to Asia.