OREANDA-NEWS  The Russian tanker Primorye was the first of the vessels that fell under US sanctions for transporting oil shipments at a price above the ceiling, and managed to deliver raw materials. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to its own observations.

He managed to circumvent the restrictions with the help of secret transshipment. At the end of April, the tanker entered the port of Novorossiysk and picked up the cargo, after which it headed for Singapore. 100 kilometers from the port, he turned off the automatic identification system (AIS), in which ships report their location for security purposes.

Satellite images made it possible to establish that on June 3, oil from Primorye was loaded into the sea onto the Ocean Hermana vessel. In theory, the buyer of the shipment could hope to avoid claims from the US Treasury Department through such an operation, but the disclosure of the receiving vessel complicates the task of concealing the origin of the oil.

SCF Primorye belongs to Sovcomflot, it transported about a million barrels of oil. The publication could not identify the operator and insurer of Ocean Hermana.