OREANDA-NEWS  In Russia, they wanted to limit the import of flowers from unfriendly countries. This was stated by the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert, his words are quoted by the Russian newspaper.

According to the representative of the department, there are "claims" against a number of countries regarding the safety of products supplied to Russia. Among such States, he noted the Netherlands, Latvia and Lithuania. European states not only ship substandard goods, but also "shy away from communication."

"We will decide what restrictions may be imposed, depending on the degree of threat," Dankvert said.

The possibility of imposing restrictions on the import of flowers from unfriendly countries to Russia is also being discussed by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Development. According to the Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut, we are talking about possible measures of customs and tariff regulation in this industry. Such restrictions should not affect the availability of flowers in the domestic market. She stressed that Russia has various measures in place to support industry participants, which will help increase production volumes.

Alexey Antipov, Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Flower Growers, said that almost all tulips on the market will soon be Russian-made. At the same time, such changes are in no way related to sanctions or restrictions due to COVID-19. "It's just that import substitution has really happened in this segment of the flower industry. In Russia, you can count several hundred tulip producers — this is a fairly profitable small business," Antipov explained.