OREANDA-NEWS  In the first half of 2024, 15 foreign brands appeared in Russia. This is with reference to the data of the consulting firm CORE.XP writes RIA Novosti.

Almost half of the new brands that entered the Russian market are from China — Tecno, Ellasay, Laurel, Baasploa, Casarte, Balabala and Candy. Also, in the first six months of this year, South Korean Josiny, Turkish Chakra and Mai Collection, Italian Parpa and Rinascimento, German Casa Moda, 7Saber from Uzbekistan and 22/11 cosmetics from Armenia began working in Russia.

The company's message notes that until 2022, European countries prevailed in the structure of international brands entering the Russian market, but now their share has fallen to 20 percent. The decrease in the interest of European companies is explained by anti-Russian sanctions and, as a result, an increase in reputational and economic risks for business. IN the CORE.XP suggested that the trend towards the growth of the number of Asian brands in the Russian market will continue to develop.

Earlier it became known that in the near future another Chinese brand of electric cars, NETA, owned by Hozon Auto, may appear on the Russian automotive market. Zhou Jiang, vice president of the manufacturing company, said that an analysis of climatic conditions in the Russian Federation is currently being conducted for compatibility with these vehicles.