OREANDA-NEWS  There are 24 percent more clothes on the Russian market than a year earlier, due to an increase in the number of new domestic and foreign brands. Kommersant writes about this.

It is clarified that in April, the cost of labeled products in the segment decreased by 4 percent year-on-year. Sellers cannot raise prices for clothes in the face of growing competition. In particular, the average cost of seven items of clothing in April amounted to 4.6 thousand rubles, decreasing by 4.1 percent year-on-year.

In January—April, the volume of production and supplies for labeled items increased by 24.1 percent, to 28.2 million. In addition, the publication notes that production increased by 23.2 percent, to 10.2 million items, imports — by 21.2 percent, to 16.2 million.

Earlier it was reported that at the end of March 2024 Germany exported to Russia, the clothes on the total amount of 15.95 million rubles. T-shirts and T-shirts accounted for the largest share of supplies (30 percent of all clothing exports from Germany to the Russian Federation).