OREANDA-NEWS  The average salary of an ecologist in Russia in January-May 2024 amounted to 65.6 thousand rubles, the newspaper reports.Ru" with a link to the recruitment service survey hh.ru .

Compared to the same period in 2023, the salary of specialists increased by 18 percent. The demand for environmentalists increased by 23 percent over the year.

The highest salaries are offered to specialists in the construction business (102.3 thousand rubles on average) and the forestry industry (85 thousand rubles), the extractive industry (83.3 thousand rubles), chemical production and educational institutions (80 thousand rubles each).

Environmentalists are most in demand in Moscow. In 2024, the capital accounts for one in ten vacancies (11 percent). The leaders also include St. Petersburg (7 percent), the Moscow Region (5 percent), the Krasnodar Territory (5 percent) and the Sverdlovsk Region (4 percent).

Environmentalists are most often needed by companies from the construction industry (24 percent), the food sector (13 percent of vacancies), the extractive industry (9 percent), the oil and gas sector and metallurgy (8 percent each).

The study was conducted in June 2024.