OREANDA-NEWS  Serbia currently remains the only European country that rejects Russophobia. This was stated by the Minister of the new government of Serbia, Nenad Popovich, in an interview with Lenta.

"We are the only country in Europe that rejects any form of Russophobia with disgust," he stressed, pointing to frequent meetings between the leaders of the two states and various forms of cooperation. Russian-Serbian cooperation has been developing dynamically in recent years and has the potential for further strengthening, the minister noted.

According to him, in the context of the conflict in Ukraine and the aggravation of relations between Russia and Western countries, Serbian products continue to enter the Russian market, and politicians and cultural figures from Russia make visits to Belgrade.

The full interview with Nenad Popovich will be published on June 5. In it, the politician will also talk about the future of Serbian-Russian relations, as well as about the demands of the European Union for Serbia to impose anti-Russian sanctions.

Earlier, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic warned of the threat of an expansion of the conflict in Ukraine. In his opinion, there is very little time left to stop the hostilities, and their scale, on the contrary, will grow.