OREANDA-NEWS. December 22, 2008. On the eve of the New Year’s holidays a very important and symbolical action was held in two border regions of neighboring Afghanistan. The ceremonies of laying the foundation stone of the buildings of the health centre and school that Turkmenistan will construct as a gift for the people of the fraternal country were held there. A Turkmen delegation had arrived to Afghanistan to take part in the ceremonies.

In accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan the health centre will be constructed at the Garamgol Etrap in the Faryap Province and the 400-seat school in the Khazara-Tokay settlement in the Shordepe Etrap in the Balh Province.

The representatives of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan and the Turkmen delegation, the Afghani government officials, local authorities, parliamentarians and journalists attended the ceremonies. The representatives of the Turkmen diaspora residing in the border provinces of Afghanistan greeted their compatriots who had arrived on the mission of peace, progress and friendliness.

The participants expressed deep gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov whose initiatives and undertakings had been widely supported and appreciated by the people of Afghanistan welcoming Turkmenistan’s policy of peace and good neighbourliness.

The ceremonies turned into the festival of friendship between the peoples of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan and vividly demonstrated their adherence to the age-old ties of fraternity and spiritual kinship.