OREANDA-NEWSCherwell Software is kicking off the month of October with its fourth annual Cherwell Global Conference, hosted at the Broadmoor resort in Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 4-6.

The theme of this year's conference is "Innovation with Purpose," and will focus on how organizations can use Cherwell technology in innovative ways to accelerate organizational purpose. Customers, partners, and other members of the global Cherwell community come together each year to learn not only about the solutions Cherwell has created, but also how fellow customers are using service management to solve their most pressing IT and business problems, and identify opportunities to deliver tangible business value.

"The Cherwell Global Conference is the most life-giving thing that I do the entire year," said Vance Brown, Executive Chairman and Co-Founder of Cherwell Software, "because I get to meet our customers, learn about their companies, and help find ways that Cherwell can help them to reach their organizational goals."

In the spirit of the conference, there is one particular organization that will be in the spotlight at this year's event: Judi's House. Judi's House is a Denver-based, non-profit founded by former Denver Broncos quarterback Brian Griese and his wife Dr. Brook Griese. The organization was established to help children and families grieving a death find connection and healing. Brown, along with Brian Griese, will deliver the opening keynote address on October 4.

"One of the great 'whys' of Cherwell relates to not just building a great tool for innovation; it is also about building community and helping organizations achieve their stated mission," said Brown. "We decided to focus on the 'Innovation with Purpose' theme this year to show that a company can go far beyond just doing its job well; it can also can take an active role in helping others in the process. This is what we aim for at Cherwell and in our partnership with Judi's House."

While the conference officially begins on October 4, interactive pre-conference workshops are offered to attendees on October 2 and 3. During the conference, attendees can look forward to collaborative discussions, customer presentations, product announcements, and the opportunity to build lasting relationship with both the team at Cherwell, as well as others using Cherwell's solutions.

An estimated 30,000 children in our community will experience the death of a parent or sibling before their 18th birthday. This number climbs to over 60,000 for the state of Colorado and more than 4,000,000 nationally. For youth up to the age of 25, these numbers more than double, making childhood grief a prevalent and critical public health issue.