OREANDA-NEWS Every tenth Russian considers himself a millionaire, and more than half of the country's residents would like to become one. These are the results of the survey of the PSB Management Company (available to <url>).

A third of respondents (33 percent) at the same time said that they do not need it. At the same time, it turned out that Russian citizens do not have an unambiguous understanding of the term "millionaire" — everyone has their own idea of this status.

23 percent of respondents understand this word literally and consider millionaires people who own funds in the amount of more than one million rubles. Most call the owners of much larger sums that way, 28 percent — more than one million dollars, 25 percent — more than 30 million rubles, 13 percent — more than 20 million rubles, 11 percent — at least 10 million rubles.

At the same time, more than half of Russians believe that one million rubles is a significant amount. Approximately an equal number of respondents called this amount of money an average or small amount — 22 and 23 percent, respectively.