Finance accounting and audit

06.12.2019, 11:06
The lawsuit was filed in February, the bank's claims became known at a meeting of the Moscow City Court this week
04.12.2019, 13:36
At the same time, analysts noted that "it's not clear what effect the Bank of Russia measures to limit unsecured consumer lending will have yet"
03.12.2019, 10:26
According to the National Bank of Tajikistan, transfers through Contact will be available in the afternoon, and through Western Union within one to two days
03.12.2019, 10:09
A review by the Ministry of Economic Development also says that the growth rate of mortgage lending has slowed to 17.1% "contrary to expectations"
02.12.2019, 17:21

So called “Google tax” is an obligation of foreign IT companies to pay value added tax on the sale of electronic services to Russian users.

25.11.2019, 14:16
According to the document, 21% of the expenditures will be directed to measures to combat climate change
21.11.2019, 17:00
Profit of the banking sector over this period amounted to 1.7 trillion rubles
21.11.2019, 14:27
At the first stage, all foreign software manufacturers had to pay VAT on electronic services
20.11.2019, 08:58
Forbes first ranked the richest Russian bloggers on Instagram
19.11.2019, 07:27
Long-term bonds accounted for $ 3 billion, and short-term - $ 7 billion
18.11.2019, 13:40
President Muhammadu Bukhari set a task to sharply increase the production of agricultural products
15.11.2019, 15:20
Consul General of Uzbekistan in Kazan Fariddin Nasriev said that the republic intends to increase trade and develop new projects with Tatarstan
15.11.2019, 14:26
Oleg Deripaska in the US court for the first time revealed what property he had frozen in America due to sanctions
15.11.2019, 10:33
According to the Central Bank, in September this indicator was at around 5.3%
14.11.2019, 11:28
According to The Economic Times, this topic can be discussed at the BRICS summit in Brazil


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