OREANDA-NEWS In the near future, the government is going to introduce amendments to the State Duma on the sources of compensation of budget expenditures for payments to oil workers under the damping mechanism. Most of the new fees will have to increase Gazprom's payments, which will bring 70-80 billion rubles a year. Kommersant writes about such intentions with reference to its own sources.

The damping mechanism implies the return of part of the funds to oil companies for keeping fuel prices on the domestic market. In order to save money, payments were halved from September 1 of this year, but the result was a fuel crisis, which resulted in a record increase in stock prices and a shortage in dozens of regions of the country.

To relieve tension in the market from October 1, the government will return the previous format of the damper. Such a decision required finding new sources of money to the budget, since the reduction in payments had already been taken into account in the revenue and expenditure parts.

Government amendments imply an increase in the tax on the extraction of minerals for gas condensate for Gazprom by one and a half times. According to the Federal Tax Service, the volume of production falling under the new charges in 2022 amounted to 18.3 million tons, which allows us to estimate the amount of the company's expenses.