State social maintenance

21.09.2021, 18:22
From 2022, Russians will begin to receive all the required payments automatically.
14.09.2021, 18:18
The proposals of the Russian Post on the repair and equipment of branches for the allocation of budget funds will be considered until October 1.
30.06.2021, 15:19

The Bank of Russia, together with the participants of the pension market, reached agreements on the transformation of pension savings into a system of non-state pension provision.

14.01.2021, 13:40

They visited orphanages and social centers and gave the gifts to the pupils.

11.12.2019, 19:16

This was announced by the Prime Minister Edouard Philippe.

10.12.2019, 20:51

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 339 thousand people throughout the country were taking part in the second mass demonstration of trade unions.

18.03.2019, 17:20
The Russian government has increased by 2% the size of social pensions in the country
18.03.2019, 15:27

An 11-year-old girl asked Vladimir Putin for a mini-tractor due to her family’s hard life

21.02.2019, 08:46
The social benefits offered by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly in 2019 will require 80 billion rubles
01.02.2019, 12:20
In particular, the amount of monthly cash payments received by 15.2 million beneficiaries has increased
14.01.2019, 19:33
n 2019, should begin the work on the creationplatform for job search
24.10.2018, 15:44
To improve social service organizations will allocate 41.7 billion rubles until 2024


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