OREANDA-NEWS. The satellite images got the time of the eruption of the volcano Raikol in the Kuriles.  The eruption of lava was so powerful that the smoke rose above the clouds, and even the cosmonauts of the ISS could notice it.

 Ash with small remnants of volcanic glass and stones rose to a distance of 13-17 kilometers.  Experts assured that the eruption was not dangerous, since the island on which the volcano is located is uninhabited.

 On June 22 of this year, the Raykone volcano, located in the Kuriles, suddenly became active for the whole world.  Scientists report that no thermal anomalies and prerequisites for a volcanic eruption were observed.  However, the fact remains that the specialists had to restore the eruption scenario.  It took more than two weeks to do this, and only now did the researchers find out that Raikone was out of hibernation because of a strong stream of ash and volcanic gases coming from his crater.