OREANDA-NEWS On 18 February 2009 was announced, that on February 10, 2008, when “St. Stephan” was moving from Tianjin (China) to Turkey loaded with coal, serious damage of the main engine was detected. The vessel managed to get back to the port of Singapore where the engine was repaired.

After examination of the main engine and review of the document, the surveyor concluded that the damage was caused, inter alia, by failure to feed sufficient quantities of lubricating oil to the bearing parts of the crank shaft.

Ingosstrakh paid insurance compensation for the repairs to the amount of over USD 843.5k. The damage was compensated in the shortest time upon receipt of the final average statement for general average expenses.

Head of the Section for Claims Settlement Under Special Risks Insurance Vadim Semenkov said that in 2008, under hull insurance contracts, over USD 30.2 mln was paid. On average, annually, Ingosstrakh settles about 15 losses under hull insurance contracts with compensation for each of them to the amount of over USD   500 000. In 2008 there was 13 losses, total compensation paid is USD 18 498 978.90.