OREANDA-NEWS. On 31 July 2009 was announced, that final key appointments of top managers in Sibirtelecom have been made. On July 20 Yevgeny Shalnev who had had the position of deputy director of information technology department was appointed director of information technologies.

Yevgeny Shalnev will supervise questions of the development of company’s information infrastructure and of introduction of new technologies. “Information technologies play an important role in the development of a telecommunication operator, being an instrument for efficient management of the company, reduction of expenses and entering new markets, - said Ivan Dadykin, General Director of Sibirtelecom OJSC. – The new director of information technologies, Yevgeny Shalnev, has a 13 years’ experience of working in the company, good knowledge of technologies and solutions on the information market. I am sure that new initiatives in the IT field will help the Company keep its leading positions and provide assistance in the organization of the business”.

Yevgeny V. Shalnev was born on February 16, 1967 in Novosibirsk. He graduated in 1990 from Novosibirsk Electromechanical Institute majoring in radiotechnical devices. After graduation from the institute, he did some research work in the institute from 1990 till 1993. Then he worked as an electronics engineer in the laboratory of laser electronic systems in the Institute of Laser Physics. From 1996 he worked in Sibirtelecom (in 1996 – “Elektrosvyaz”, Novosibirsk Region) first in the position of an engineer, then in 2001 in the position of the deputy head of informatization service, Sibirtelecom OJSC. In 2003 he was appointed deputy director of the information technology department, head of the department of system support, hardware and corporate computer networks in the information technology department. From 2005 till 2007 he was the head of the department of program-technical means operation and development, from 2007 he has been deputy director of the information technology department and has headed the department of the development of technical infrastructure of information technologies in Sibirtelecom.