OREANDA-NEWS. January 13, 2010. Irkutsk-ROSNO branch has joined efforts with the Irkutsk-Based Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital to implement important social projects aimed to prevent child traumatism and support those children who have already been hurt.

In December, the Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital (IMCCH) awarded the winners and participants of the contest "Paint Your Dream" organized on the eve of the New Year holidays by the insurance company ROSNO for patients of the Traumatology Unit. The children’s flight of fancy had no boundaries: some painted plush toys, while others illustrated all of their dreams, down to their desire to leave their wheelchairs as soon as possible. The paintings varied so much that, in the end, jury decided not to restrict itself to choosing three winners, and instead it awarded all contest participants. In hope for further creative search, children were granted sketch-books and soft-tip pens, and, naturally, all small patients received sweet gifts.

Mr. Vladimir Novozhilov, the hospital’s chief medical officer, emphasized that "IMCCH and ROSNO have been longtime friends, and ROSNO took active part in the life of this medical institution." This December, the insurance company supported the hospital by donating it TV sets, dispensers, and bed linen sets.

Upon conclusion of the awarding ceremony, Mr. Vladimir Novozhilov, the hospital’s chief medical officer, and Mr. Sergey Chipizubov, head of Irkutsk-ROSNO branch, as well as specialists of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Irkutsk Region and the Healthcare Department of the City of Irkutsk discussed prevention of child traumatism, especially during the winter period.

During the meeting, Vladimir Novozhilov shared plans regarding establishment of the intersectoral commission on prevention of child traumatism. Its major task is to conduct an ongoing prevention work, implement special projects engaging medical professionals, government officials, enforcement agencies, public associations, insurers, and mass media. Sergey Chipizubov supported this initiative: "ROSNO will be pleased to joint this commission, all the more so as prevention of traffic accidents involving children and support for the children hurt in traffic accidents is a top priority in the context of ROSNO’s corporate social responsibility. Already for the several years, ROSNO has been implementing the program „Road Safety“ dedicated to preventing traffic accidents involving children, whereby children are given out light-reflecting flickers buttoned to clothes to make pedestrians more visible on the road in the nighttime."

Yet children are children, and traumas are inevitable, especially in winter, when roads are slippery, when ice-runs are installed in the cities, and when children are expected to spend much time outdoors enjoying winter holidays. To ensure that injured children receive high-quality treatment and care, ROSNO has developed a multitude of special accident insurance programs. Firstly, it is the program "ROSNO Vacations", which has been specifically created to provide high-quality medical care to children leaving home for vacations to live with grandparents, in dachas or leisure camps. Secondly, the new product for the sports lovers, NS-FizKult, has been developed specifically for amateur sportspeople, including children. This product can be of special interest for those parents whose children go in various sporting and fitness sections, which do not always insure their pupils. "In absence of such collective insurance, parents can insure their children on an individual basis. While, certainly, no policy can prevent misfortune, it still can help coping with the ensuing situation and obtain an insurance compensation corresponding to the nature of risk", said Sergey Chipizubov at the meeting. He also stressed that the insurance protection under this policy is effective not only during sports exercises, but also beyond that time, as contemplated on the basis of requests of potential clients to be insured in any situations: in school, at work, during transportation, on the street or in the gym hall.