OREANDA-NEWS. February 26, 2010. The Government of Kazakhstan adopted the program of forced industrial-innovative development.

At the meeting, Government’s members voted unanimously for it on Tuesday.

 “This program is approved, now we will submit it for consideration by the head of state,” Prime Minister Karim Massimov said at the Government meeting.

As Minister of Industry and Commerce Asset Issekeshev noted at the meeting the implementation of the program will allow to achieved the following results by 2014: GDP growth to 50% from 2008 levels, increasing productivity by 50% in the manufacturing sector, 100% - in some sectors of the economy, the share of non-commodity exports to 40%, reducing GDP energy intensity by 10% from 2008 levels.

 “This program will be the only document of this level in the economy for these five years. All existing policies and programs will be put to loss,” Asset Issekeshev emphasized.

On January 29 this year, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev announced the launch of the program of industrial-innovative development of the republic in his State-of-the-Nation Address.