OREANDA-NEWS. September 02, 2010. Since the beginning of 2010 Rospotrebnadzor revealed near 1,3 million liters of inferior wine, cognac and wine materials from Moldova. According to Russian agency, in total since January 1 till August 30 there were conducted the laboratory analyses of 4 thousand 048 batches of wines, cognacs, wine materials in total volume of 47 million 47 thousand 816 liters, produced at 35 enterprises of Moldova.

As a result it was revealed the discrepancy of 114 batches of wine, cognacs and wine materials to hygienic standards, out of them 3 – on organoleptic indices, 111 – on content of plasticizer dibutylphthalate, including 3 batches on content of pesticide metalaxyl. During August 2010 there were analyzed 93 samples of products (54 batches of wines, 12 batches of wine materials, 24 batches of cognacs in total volume of 1 million 067 thousand 414 litres).

15 batches of products (producers – “Ungheni Vin”, “Cricova winery”, “Lion-Gri”, “Moldaskii Standart”, “Imperial Vin”, “Vinaria Bostavan”) didn’t correspond to hygienic standards, including on content of dibutylphthalate: 7 batches of wine in total volume of 29 thousand 745 litres, 3 batches of cognac – 32 thousand 328 litres, 5 batches of wine materials – 113 thousand 298 litres.