OREANDA-NEWS. September 06, 2010. In Beijing President Viktor Yanukovych took part in the Ukrainian-Chinese Business Forum. "I am sure this forum will be an important contribution to the development of mutually beneficial trade-economic and investment cooperation between Ukraine and China," said President Yanukovych opening the forum and expressed hope that such events will now be regular.

The President stressed that comprehensive development of cooperation with China, which has always been and remains one of the key partners of our country in the Asia and Pacific, is one of the priorities of Ukraine’s contemporary foreign policy.

Viktor Yanukovych said that China is a country that has chosen unique path of development and has achieved impressive results. The President stressed that economic successes of China convincingly demonstrate that harmonious government and political stability are crucial for any state.

Speaking about cooperation between Ukraine and China, the President stressed: "Today Ukraine is opening a new page in its foreign policy – the page of new horizons of cooperation. One of these horizons is China.

Viktor Yanukovych drew the attention of Chinese businessmen to the fact that our country has a unique economic potential, modern industrial capabilities, and is rich in natural resources.

The President stressed that Ukraine will not return to the times of instability. Today, said Viktor Yanukovych, all the basic prerequisites for success – stability and order, "the Government that masters the situation for years to come", are present in Ukraine.

“The new President relies not only on the clear political mandate received at the election. He relies on public support of stabilization steps and convincing majority in the Parliament. Times of political turmoil and revolutions in Ukraine are over. The season of stable growth has begun instead," said Viktor Yanukovych.

Speaking about the importance of intensification of Ukrainian-Chinese investment cooperation, the President reminded that presently, foreign and domestic investors in Ukraine enjoy many different rights and additional state guarantees to protect their investment. "This area of Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation is regulated by the intergovernmental agreement on encouragement and reciprocal protection of investments," he said.

Among the important aspects of the investment attractiveness of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych called geopolitical location, extensive transportation system, presence of one of Europe's largest scientific-industrial complexes, access to markets of the CIS and EU states. The President highlighted that recently he decided to transform the Advisory Council on Foreign Investments in Ukraine into the Council of Domestic and Foreign Investors in order to ensure implementation of innovative investment model in economic development and signed relevant decree on September 1.

Viktor Yanukovych noted that Ukraine is ready to deepen cooperation with China in aircraft building. Particularly, in developing regional and transport aircraft and training. He noted considerable achievements in that direction, including the case of an existing agreement on participation of the Antonov ASTC in creating the first Chinese heavy transport aircraft.

Among the most attractive investment sectors Viktor Yanukovych named agriculture, processing industry, nuclear energy, housing, telecommunications sector.

The President said separately that agreements were reached on participation of Chinese companies in infrastructure projects within the framework of preparation for Euro 2012 in Ukraine. "We are open to foreign investors. Both the Government and the Ukrainian Parliament, and I personally as President will be creating all the conditions for their fruitful work at our domestic market," Viktor Yanukovych stressed.

"We are rediscovering each other ... I'm here today to reach the hand of friendship and partnership to China," said the President of Ukraine, ending his speech.