OREANDA-NEWS. November 29, 2011. SOCAR President Mr. Rovnag Abdullayev received the business delegation of Izmir led by Izmir governor Mr. Mustafa Cahit Kirac at the Head office of the Company. Welcoming the guests, Mr. Abdullayev mentioned the development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in all spheres and noted the Azerbaijan-Turkey business forum organized by SOCAR would contribute to this development.

Expressing gratitude for the reception and organization of Turkish delegation’s visit to Baku, governor of Izmir Mr. Mustafa Cahit Kirac presented the members of delegation to SOCAR President.

According to him, Izmir Province plays an important role in the economic development of Turkey. The attendees of the meeting also spoke about the groundbreaking of Petkim’s Star Refinery, with participation of Azerbaijani President Mr. Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Mr. Receb Tayyip Erdogan and signing a number of key gas export related agreements between the two countries on October 25. Speaking about the TransAnadolu project, SOCAR President pointed out that this project is of great importance for Turkey as an energy transit country. He also spoke about the Company’s future projects.